
Website Changes

Some people following the site have noticed we've taken down quite a few pages including some screenshots of the web and mobile client solution.

There are 2 reasons for this.

Firstly, we're in the middle of a significant overhaul of both the site and the ViaFo solution moving from a alpha/beta release to the formal beta version for indviduals and enterprises.  There's a significant improvement in performance and functionality and we want to make sure that we hit the ground with a big splash for that.

Second, we're thinking of entering at least one tech launch contest which requires we don't show our individual/consumer version to the public until the autumn (Fall for some of you).

If you are interested in seeing some examples and product demo, don't hesitate to contact me or the company for a demo and screenshots under NDA.

ViaFo Update

Getting a new solution to market is always an interesting experience and at the moment we're in the middle of a significant number of core engineering tasks and have started the work on our non-Windows Mobile clients.

So, I'm looking at a number of interesting options for both funding and our public beta launch.  It's not clear at the moment if we're going to do that in July or wait until the autumn - there's a significant strategy decision we have to take, so keep watching.

We can be followed on Twitter (ViaFoCEO) or you can follow my personal Twitter (daveon) where I discuss a lot of mobile and wireless issues.